Sunday, June 13, 2010


As mentioned I felt good enough to drive home, I was sent with instructions for care, a squirt bottle filled with a saline solution, and two prescriptions one for the pain and an antibiotic.

I was able to drop off the prescription off at my local Walgreens and my wife picked it up an hour later.

Once the prescription arrived, I took both pills and went to rest for most of the day.

1-The instructions of care were basic, squirt the saline solution on the new grafts once an hour(the bottle is set to mist).When misting a lot of the excess blood runs down.

2- DON'T TOUCH OR PICK AT THE might pull out the entire $3,500 dollars worth out of your dome.

3- Sleep on your back with extra pillows to prevent too much swelling.

4- Don't do any strenuous activity (exercise, heavy work, sex, etc)

5-cleaning instructions.

After sleeping and watering my new hair like a garden, I took a picture.

My scalp looks irritated but I felt no pain . there was some swelling to the transplanted area.

The area where the donor hair was taken from , was only uncomfortable when laying on my back, but besides that, it felt fine.