After some small talk and introductions to the 3 assistants , The Doctor marked my forehead with what looked like a sharpie , this will be guideline where the edge of my new hairline will be.
Meanwhile ,the assistants proceeded to to shave a strip on the back of my hair.
Soon after, the Doctor injected some local anesthesia to the back of my head ,and within minutes began to cut off the strip of scalp that contained my future hairline.
The assistants took the strip to split and separate into individual shafts.
Individual hairs would line the edge of my hairline and groups of two ,three and four would follow to imitate natural growth.
The total procedure takes about 3 1/2 hours but lucky for me I slept through most of it.
I woke up as they were putting the last grafts towards the back of my hair loss.
I asked to make sure I could wear a hat and the Doctor reassured me and said as long as it doesn't touch the transplants a hat would be fine. That basically limits you to baseball caps and maybe a cowboy hat.
I felt fine and actually drove myself home.
the following posts will detail the day to day changes of recovery alongside pictures of the recovery.