Today I had to do some errands ,so I put my baseball cap tilted forwards as to not disturb the seedlings, and went about my business.
I am not someone who wears hats , so people felt compelled to ask about the hat.
Like many other humans who would rather be though of as terminally ill instead of ugly, I decided to lie and tell people I had some "skin cancer thing removed", which worked great because people stopped pursuing the subject right away and almost looked embarrassed for having asked.
Once home, I went about the business of watering the garden on top of my head , pill popping , and laying on my back .
I also had to wash as in the previous day and just dripped dry.
The swelling moved from the top of my forehead to Right above my eyebrows, concentrating on the middle of your forehead...
This does two things : 1- gives you a wrinkle less forehead
2- the profile of a unicorn.
Since I never found single horn horses appealing, I kept icing the area every few hours for 5 minute intervals, making sure i did not touch the grafts with the cold compress.
the transplant area looks less irritated but still abnormal and freaky